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Friday, February 22, 2013

Jesus, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 27: 20-44

Focus Verse:  Matthew 27: 24  "Pilate saw that he wasn't getting anywhere and that a riot was developing.  So he sent for a bowl of water and washed his hands before the crowd saying, I am innocent of the blood of this man.  The responsibility is yours!"

Every person must decide who Jesus is for themselves and what they will do with Him.  He is either a liar, crazy, or He is Lord.  The people thought Jesus should prove who He was and save Himself by coming down off the cross.  But instead He proved who He was by raising Himself from the dead and coming out of the tomb.

Pilate made a big mistake by listening to the public opinion and what the crowd wanted.  He washed his hands of the matter and did what was easy rather than what was right.  Every person on earth will either accept Him or reject Him, confess Him or deny Him.  Only two choices.  You must make the decision yourself.  You might say "I just won't make any decision", but to make no decision is to reject Him, and by that decision you will spend an eternity in a place called hell.

Jesus went to the cross so that no person should ever go to hell. Choose Jesus, choose life today.  Jesus is the Son of God, the Redeemer of all humanity.  Repent of your sins and come to Him.  He is waiting for you.

Bobby Johnson
Interlocking Ministries

Saturday, February 16, 2013

God's Master Plan

Scripture Reading: Click to read:  Romans 8: 18-30

Focus Verse: Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

Sometimes in our lives God will do things or allow things that we can't understand.  Like when a child dies or when someone hurts us.  Our human mind wonders about God's plan?  It doesn't make any sense to us.  Because we can't see the big picture, we think God may have forgotten us.  We need to be careful how we pray to God and not demand things of Him.  We should pray for specific things, but also to pray for God's will to be done.

I can remember as a young person, praying to God that I sure would like to marry a certain girl.  God did not allow that to happen.  I can see now that the marriage would have been a mistake.  God saw the master plan and I could not.  Romans 8:28 is a great promise.  God is working out all things for  good when we love Him.  Not only some things for good, but ALL things for good.

God has already seen tomorrow.  He already knows next week.  And His plans for next year have been made.  He knows what is best for us because we are His children.  On every piece of American money is printed "In God We Trust".  We can trust that God has our best interest at heart.  So the next time you are going through something that you don't understand, have peace that God knows exactly what is going on and He will work out that situation for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.  Because He has a master plan for your life.  So, trust Him.

Bobby Johnson
Interlocking Ministries

Friday, February 8, 2013

Ready or Not Jesus is Coming

Scripture Reading: Matthew 25:1-13

Focus Verse: Matthew 25:6  "And at midnight a cry was heard, behold, the bridegroom is coming, go out to meet him".

When I was young, as children we would play a game called hide and seek.  Before we would search for the one hiding we would say "ready or not here I come".   Jesus will come back one day whether you are ready or not.  Some people may think they are going to heaven, but never became a Christian.  They may even be looking for the return of Christ, but not be prepared.

Jesus told the story of the ten virgins to illustrate this point. You can appear to be a Christian.  You can even go to church and sit next to other Christians.  You can carry a Bible like Christians.  But that doesn't necessarily mean that you know Jesus.  If you truly have a relationship with Jesus then it would dramatically impact the way you live.  1 John 3:3 says "Everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure".  Do you put your hope in Christ alone?  Have you decided to follow Him?

If you are a true follower of Jesus Christ, and believe that He is coming back soon, then you will desire to live a godly life to honor Him.  One thing we know for sure, Jesus is coming back one day. He is coming whether you are ready or not.  So if you are not sure, why not bow your head right now and ask Jesus to forgive your sins and invite Him into your life to be your Lord and Savior.

Bobby Johnson
Interlocking Ministries