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Friday, July 19, 2024

Influence Your World

Influence Your World

Scripture Reading:  Matthew 5:13-16

Focus Verses:  Matthew 5:13-14  “You are the salt of the earth.  You are the light of the world.”
In our passage of scripture Jesus is telling His disciples and us today what our responsibility is as we live in this world.  He is referring to two things that are very common, salt and light.  We use salt to preserve food or to make food taste better.  Light is used to help us find our way in the darkness.  
As we share our faith with others, Jesus says we are to be like salt and light.  We need wisdom in doing this so we get this wisdom from God through prayer.  How much salt and light are needed?  Have you ever eaten something that had too much salt added?  It doesn’t taste very good.  Or eaten something with not enough salt? You say "oh this needs more salt" so it will taste good.  Perhaps you have looked at the sun before.  Which is not a good idea because it can cause blindness because it is so bright.  Or maybe you have walked a path with your torch that had a weak battery and you could not see where you were going.  When we share our faith with others we need to use the right amount of salt and light so that others will be attracted to Jesus.  Many times the Holy Spirit will guide you as you talk with others about their lost condition.  So as a cooking recipe calls for the right amount of ingredients, today let’s use our salt and light in the right amounts that will attract people to Jesus.

Bobby Johnson
Interlocking Ministries

Thursday, July 11, 2024

God Sees Everything

Scripture Reading: Psalm 139

Focus Verses: Psalm 139:11-12

“I could ask the darkness to hide me and the light around me to become night, but even in darkness I cannot hide from you.  To you the night shines as bright as day.  Darkness and light are the same to you.”

The United States Military has a new technology.  It’s called “Enhanced Night Vision Goggles.”  These glasses enable the soldier to see the enemy at night just as if it was day.  The enemy might think he is moving under the cover of darkness, but he is being watched.  You don’t want to lose these glasses because they cost about two million shillings.

Some people think that darkness covers up what they are doing.  They think that God doesn’t see in the dark.  But God sees.  There’s no secrets with God.  Night and day are the same to Him.  I don’t think anyone fully understands the awesomeness and power of our God.  God is all knowing.  As our scripture says God knows every detail about you.  He knows what you’re going to think before you think it.  God is ever present.  There is no place you can go that God is not there.  If you travel to the farthest star in the universe, God is there.  God is all powerful.  There is no one more powerful than God.  God controls the whole universe, yet He cares about you individually.  You might be facing a big mountain in front of you, and you don’t know how you can continue on.  Just remember you have an all knowing, ever present, all powerful God on your side.  And He already knows how He’s going to get you over that mountain.  

There’s an element of fear in knowing a God like this, but when we realize just how much God loves us then there’s an element of peace that should come over us.  Romans 8:38  says, “I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love.  Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow, not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.”   Knowing that God sees everything should help keep us on the right path, and when we get off the path we can have peace in knowing that He’s there to guide us back.

Bobby Johnson
Interlocking Ministries

Friday, July 5, 2024

The Protective Fence

 Bible Reading:  Genesis 43:1-9 

Focus Verse: " I personally guarantee his safety. You may hold me responsible if I don’t bring him back to you. Then let me bear the blame forever." Genesis 43:9

Judas was convincing his father that he would watch out for his little brother Benjamin.  His words were very strong.  How many of you helped look after a younger brother or sister?  The Bible says that when we are "born again" that we are babies in Christ and we drink the milk of the Word of God in order to grow.  Our older brothers and sisters in Christ help watch out for us.  There is evil in this world that would desire to damage and destroy these young believers.  There are false teachers who will tickle their itching ears with things that are easy to hear, but lead away from God's truth.  There are traps set.  What are the older believers to do?

If you want a young plant to thrive when you plant it, you must water it and put a fence around it.  This keeps the hungry goats and cows from doing damage and destroying the young plant.  This keeps people from stepping on it.  It helps you remember to water it when the rains don't come.

We need to think of this in our church.  We need to put a fence around the younger believers and protect them from the wolves that would destroy their lives with immorality and false teaching.  We need to train them up in the truth of God's Word.  If you are an older believer, you should watch over the younger ones.  Take care that you do not lead the young believers astray!  Study the scriptures well so that you are teaching the truth to them.  Do you know any younger believers who need someone to disciple them and protect them?  What is God leading you to do?

Page Johnson
Interlocking Ministries