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Friday, October 19, 2012


Scripture Reading:  Romans 12: 8-12

Focus Verse:  Romans 12:8  If it is to encourage, then give encouragement, if it is giving, then give generously, if it is to lead, do it diligently, if it is to show mercy, do it cheerfully.

Good leadership is utmost important if a group of people are to move forward for God.  There are many different types of leaders today.  You may be the leader of a church, a family, a board, a ministry, or a mission.  We all have been given the ability by God to lead in one way or another.

Good leaders first of all are followers of God.  A gifted leader is able to influence others to follow God as well.  People that you are leading need to know that you love them.  They will be much more willing to follow you if you have shown your love for them.  Godly leaders are an example of how to live the Christian life.  When others see your life lived for Christ they will want to follow that example. 

Being a leader can be a big responsibility.  Because we don't want to lead others astray.  God will give you wisdom as you lead in what ever capacity you have to lead others.  Psalms says "And David shepherded them with integrity of heart, with skillful hands he led them."  Psalm 78:72  Being a leader is not always easy.  When things don't go well the leader gets blamed.  But if the leaders eyes are on Christ our perfect leader He will give us wisdom to lead through every situation.

Let our prayer be "Father, lead me, so that in humility I can lead others in Your ways.

Bobby Johnson
Interlocking Ministries

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