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Saturday, August 17, 2013

For the Sake of Peace

Scripture reading, Genesis 13:6-9.

Focus verse:  Gen 13:8  "So Abram said to Lot “Let’s not have any quarreling between you and me, or between your herdsmen and mine, for we are brothers. Is not the whole land before you? Let’s part company. If you go to the left, I will go to the right; if you go to the right, I will go to the left.”

Abram and Lot had been living together as relatives and friends. Their friendship was good such that when God called Abram he decided he would not leave his nephew (Lot) back, but would go with him to the unknown destination God told him. Lot on the other hand trusted Abram such that he was willing to go with him to unknown destination. God blessed them with many animals and other possessions that later brought unrest between the two and their herdsmen.  Hence Abram was never living in peace again with his friend/relative. Neither was there peace between Abram’s workers and Lot’s workers. Maybe the end result of this quarrel would have been a big fight that would have resulted into injuries or even death.

Abram decides to take a step that would let him stay in peace with his brother but more so with God who called him and had a mission for his life. He decided to take a bold decision that would make him have peace for his life. Yes, he understood the relationship between him and Lot but strongly proposes a separation between them for the sake of peace. Peace is a key need in everyone’s everyday life and that’s why even Christ himself came that the world may have it.

Have you ever felt in your life that someone you had loved like your friend you had always hanged around with? May be your relative or your workmate is not allowing you to have peace? Have you found it so hard to let go your old friends who still lure you into your old nature? Have you ever felt like each day you fall into the same sin you repent of? Or maybe wanting to always please your friends to the expense of relationship with God? Maybe you have even tried through dialogue/consensus meetings which have not worked well for you?

It reaches a time in our lives when we must let go for the sake of our peace and more so peace with God no matter how helpful or beautiful they might be. We must accept to let go our old nature and stay away from things that makes us to lose peace. Separating your friendship with a friend who causes you to sin is the best remedy. Stay as far as east is from west of right from left just like Abram. When we think about having peace let us be ready to separate from things that causes us not to have peace and be ready to let go for our peace to come. Peace is always there waiting for us to say no to things that keeps it (peace) away.

Eliazar Wambo
pastor of Makira Baptist Church, Mfangano, Kenya

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