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Friday, November 11, 2016

One Way To Heaven

Scripture Reading John 3:16-17

Focus Verse John 14:6  Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me.”

I take a long trip to Kenya four times a year.  This is how I travel:  I drive in my car from my home to the airport, then I get on the airplane and fly to Amsterdam in Europe, then I get on a second airplane and fly to Nairobi.  Total travel time is about 24 hours.  But there is another way I could get to Kenya.  I could drive three hours from my home and go to the ocean.  Then I could get on a ship and travel to Mombasa on the coast of Kenya.  To travel by ship would probably take a month to reach Kenya.  Or I could swim the ocean to Kenya and that would take even longer, that is, if I were strong enough to do so, haha.  So, there are many ways I could get to Kenya. 

A lot of people think there are many ways to get to heaven.  Research shows that seventy percent of people affiliated with a religion believe that many religions lead to heaven.  That is a lie of Satan.  The Bible teaches something very different.  Our way to heaven has nothing to do with religion.  Our way to heaven has to do with a Person, and His name is Jesus.  God provided a way for us, and it’s the only way, and it’s through His Son Jesus.  Some people say well that’s a narrow way of thinking.  Yes, Jesus said “narrow is the way that leads to life in heaven.  But it’s a choice and you must choose it.  It’s up to you.  Choose Jesus today.  He’s your only way to heaven.

Bobby Johnson
Interlocking Ministries

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