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Friday, October 6, 2017

Gird Me, Lord

Gird Me, Lord

Scripture Reading: Isaiah 45: 1-13

Focus Verses: Isaiah 45: 5-6  “I and the Lord, there is no other God.  I have girded you for battle, though you don’t even know me, so all the world from east to west will know there is no other God.  I am the Lord, and there is no other.”

We all put on different cloths for different events.  If you are playing football you put on something different from what you wear to church.  Back in Isaiah’s day they wore long robes.  So if they were going to do an activity where the robe got in the way they would tuck the robe into their belt.  This was called girding.  God promised king Cyrus that He would “gird” him with everything he needed to help God’s people.  Girding is something we do to prepare ourselves for the work God has for us.  And God has promised to help us through the process.  If God had promised to help a pagan king, how much more will God help us as His children.  So when you are faced with difficult circumstances know that God is there to cloth you with everything you need.  God will not send you out unprepared.  God is there to see that you succeed.  So tuck in your robe and get busy for God.

Bobby Johnson
Interlocking Ministries

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