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Friday, January 3, 2020

Keep in Step

Bible Reading Daniel 1Focus verse: "Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit." Galatians 5:24-25

In the Bible reading today, we see that Daniel and his friends have been taken up to serve in the King's palace.  This meant that they were going to be given all the richest of food and wine and walk in step with all that their world thought was good.  It is thought that the king's meal was not according to the laws of eating that God had given to the Israelites and that to violate that law would have been out of step with God.  Therefore, Daniel did not want to defile himself (to make himself unclean) with the king's food and wine and requested that they be given vegetables and water to drink.  They were granted the request and fed vegetables and water for ten days and were found to be stronger and in good health.  God gave them knowledge, skills and wisdom.

God desires that you keep in step with the Holy Spirit.  Sometimes that is very easy, but other times it is a challenge.  We can be challenged by friends and neighbors around us who are not in step with the Spirit.  We an also be challenged by our own passions and desires.  It is easier to just walk in step with everyone around you than to examine whether or not it is in step with the Spirit.  Every decision is a spiritual decision. Daniel didn't want to disturb his relationship with God and gave a firm rejection of the temptation.

When the Holy Spirit gives conviction, we must remember it. We can't be led astray by whispers of the enemy. We can't follow our passions and our own desires.  Even a little foot misplaced can lead us off into the wrong direction in our lives.  It takes a spiritual discipline and self sacrifice to remain in step with God.

Page Johnson
Interlocking Ministries

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