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Friday, February 14, 2020

God Will Make a Way

God Will Make a Way:
if your heart is ready and willing

Scripture reading: Luke 19:1-9
Focus verse: Luke 19:3-4, “He wanted to see who Jesus was, but being a short man he could not, because of the crowd. So he ran a head and climbed a sycamore-fig tree to see him, since Jesus was coming that way.”

Zacchaeus was chief tax collector and a wealthy man. Possibly he was a well-educated man given his position in the government. He was not liked by many people; they referred to him as a sinner. Possibly he loved bribes and could take tax more than required. We are also told that he was a short man. In spite of all these, he heard that Jesus was passing through his town (Jericho) and he decided in his heart that he too would see who Jesus was. Because of his short stature and being that many people were following Jesus, he realized that his desire to see Jesus could not be possible since the crowd was a barrier. Still determined in his heart to see Jesus, he ran ahead and climbed a sycamore-fig tree that was on the road where Jesus was to pass through. Jesus reached the spot, looking up he saw Zacchaeus and he told him to climb down since He was going to stay at his house. So he came down at once!
We should stop focusing on our limitations but focus on God who is able do all things.  God will always provide a way for us to reach him or to do his work if we are ready and willing. He doesn’t require us to be perfect before we can reach Him or serve him. Like Zacchaeus, all human beings are sinners and limited in one way or another but still we can reach God no matter what tries to hinder us. The way of God may seem undesirable or unpleasant before men and it requires a lot of humility for one to find it. God provided the sycamore-fig tree for Zacchaeus to use in reaching to Him but it needed a lot of humility and self-decrease by Zacchaeus given his position and wealth in order to climb it. There are many sycamore-fig trees around us that God provides for us to reach him but we have to decrease ourselves (humble) in order to grab one. Humble yourselves before the Lord and He will exalt you. There are things we cannot change in our nature just like Zacchaeus couldn’t change his height, but God will always provide us with a way out if we ready and willing.

Pastor Eliazar Wambo
Makira Baptist Church, Mfangano Kenya

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