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Friday, June 12, 2020

Whose Voice Will You Follow?

Scripture reading: Numbers 13:26-33 Focus verse: Numbers 13:30-31 – Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.” But the men who had gone up with him said, “We can’t attack those people; they are stronger than we are.” 

I will admit that I have at times found myself in the mix of which way to go. When life presents you with two issues and you have to take on one, sometimes you find yourself in the mix and begin to reason with the choices. You may be tempted to reason and take on what seems possible for you and ignore the voice that tells you the opposite. That’s when faith and courage is mostly needed. 

Caleb alongside with the other 11 spies are sent to go and spy the land that God had promised them and was about to give to them. They got to the land, spied it and safely came back to give a report of their spy. They began by telling the people how wonderful the land was, a land flowing of milk and honey. They also showed the people a sample of the good fruits that were growing in it. It was so nice! Then the second part of their report was not encouraging at all. They stated that though it was a good land but the Israelites could not take it because the people living in it were stronger than them. Then Caleb, one of the spies rises up courageously and gives hope to the people. He tells the people that “they can certainly do it.” 

There comes a moment in life when we have to be very careful with what voices we hear and how they can affect our choices and life. There are voices of fear which are meant to distract us from walking in the will of God. They at times speak louder, many and may seem to be more reasoning and appealing. Out of twelve spies, ten were of that kind and they spread fear amongst the people. Matters of faith are beyond human reasoning because faith is an assurance of things hoped for and being certain of what we do not see. Courage prepares us to do what seems impossible. The two must be part of our virtues if we want to walk and act God’s way. Believers are called to walk in faith with God and believe God to do what seems impossible. We must not allow distractors for we know God’s great plans cannot be stopped by any challenge no matter how big it may appear. We have to silence any other voices that are not from what God has promised us but through prayers seek to walk in God’s way. The present challenges with life such Covid-19 pandemic, economic collapse, international conflicts and the racial tensions among other challenges, calls for the need to clearly hear from God and not from man. Our leaders and experts may speak their mind but believers should ask God’s guidance in all they do since only God understands what’s good for us. We must accept to get out of our fears and allow God to take control in all decisions. God will only walk with us and control our lives if we allow Him to do that. As Caleb said, “we can certainly overcome,” for nothing is impossible with God, we too can certainly overcome since we have God.

Pastor Eliazar Wambo
Director of Bethesda Faith Ministries, Kenya

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