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Friday, February 10, 2023

Wait for God's time

Read: Matthew 4
Focus Scripture : Matthew 4:8-9  Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor.  “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.”

Have you ever felt the temptation to get something before it's right time? You know very well that you need it but you don't want to wait for God's time before you can finally have it. Maybe the pressure to have sex before marriage or the temptations not to wait with your partner when you still don't have a child. Did you ever feel like, okey "God knows I am His child and that I should be entitled to these things so nothing wrong even if I have them now?"

Jesus found himself in such a situation with Satan. He had just begun His ministry which would finally bring glory to Him and the Father. Satan knew very well that Jesus was going to overcome and finally be crowned with glory so he wanted Jesus to have this kingship before God's appointed time. Jesus came to overcome but He had to go through trials, rejection, pain, crucifixion and death before He could be finally crowned. He had the choice of bowing before satan and having it easy but He didn't fall into the trap of Satan. He knew that true glory only comes from obedience to God the Father.  You, too, must be willing to endure your cross if you truly want God's best plan.  Satan is a deceiver who doesn't want believers to accept to wait patiently upon God's time. He has a photocopy of what you need but God has the original of your need.

Finally, after Jesus had endured and refuted the tricks of Satan and went to the cross and overcame, he quotes these beautiful words in Matthew 28:18 - “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." What the devil wanted to give Him as He began his ministry is now fully given to Him by God the Father in a glorious way but He had to endure the cross. Believers need to wait for it from God and never rush into the offers of Satan.   Ecclesiastes 3:1 There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens. Romans 8:18 - For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

Whatever God wants to be yours will be yours regardless of what time, but you must be willing to endure and persevere for it. Refute and resist the devil and he will flee away from you. (James 4:7)

Pastor Eliazar Wambo
Director Bethesda Faith Ministries

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