Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 4
Verse: 1 Timothy 4:1 “Now the Holy Spirit tells us clearly that in the
last times some will turn away from the true faith, they will follow
deceptive spirits and teaching that come from demons.” NLT
are many indications that tell me that we are living in the end times.
One of those signs is that people will turn away from the true Gospel
and follow a false gospel. My friend Pastor Greg Laurie gives some good
notes on this: "We must be on our guard against Satan’s clever
counterfeits, because as this passage tells us, he will be at work in
the last days. In fact, we are warned that some in the church will fall
prey to these deceptive spirits and teachings. Therefore, as you listen
to various teachers and pastors today, remember this:
Any so-called gospel that distorts the message of Jesus as found in the
Bible by either adding to it or taking away from it is not the true
* Any so-called gospel that offers Christianity without Christ or the cross is not the true Gospel.
* Any so-called gospel that promises forgiveness without repentance is not the true Gospel.
* Any so-called gospel that presents the hope of Heaven without the reality of hell is not the true Gospel."
are watered down versions that will give you false assurance. Such
teachings are extremely hazardous to your spiritual health. Stay away
from them at all costs."
is no such thing as staying still in your spiritual journey. Either
you are going forward or you are moving backwards. Satan will do all he
can to get you to move backwards away from God. Let us stay focused on
God, the source of our strength so we can keep moving forward.
Bobby Johnson
Interlocking Ministries
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