Do You Want Jesus To Change You?
Scripture Reading: John 5:1-15
Verse: John 5:6 “When Jesus saw the lame man and knew he had been ill
for a long time, He asked him, would you like to get well?”
tells us that there was a lame man who couldn’t walk for 38 years.
That’s a long time. One day Jesus was passing by and asked the lame
man “would you like to get well?” The lame man did not answer Jesus'
question. Instead he began to give Jesus all the reasons that he could
not be healed. Jesus didn’t even acknowledge the reasons, but told him
to stand up and walk! The man immediately stood up and picked up
his mat.
That lame man had been there for such a long time feeling discouraged. I don’t think the man knew that it was Jesus who spoke to
him. He was so concerned with getting into the pool after the waters
had been stirred. He didn’t realize this visitor before him could heal him
with one spoken word. This man was focused on what he needed to do on
his own to be healed. Let us be more focused on the changes that Jesus
can make in our lives when we surrender to Him.
the Jewish leaders complained about Jesus healing on the Sabbath, Jesus
spoke to the healed man about not sinning anymore. Jesus changes us and
wants our lives to reflect these changes. And do we want these changes
to occur? Jesus
doesn’t want to leave us where we are. God desires to change
us and grow us into the image of His Son Jesus. Ephesians 4:24 says,
"And to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true
righteousness and holiness."
Bobby Johnson
Interlocking Ministries
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