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Friday, February 21, 2025

What Concerns God?

Scripture Reading: Mark 8:31-38

Focus Verse: Mark 8:33  "But when Jesus turned and looked at His disciples, He rebuked Peter.  Get behind me, Satan! He said.  You do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns."

What concerns God the most?  God is concerned that His will be done on earth just like in heaven.  God is concerned with how His Kingdom is being built, not the kingdoms of the earth.  The Kingdom of heaven begins in our hearts with love for others and obedience to God.

God is concerned that He keeps His promises to us.  For example, He answers our prayers.  Exodus 2:24-25 says,  "God heard their groaning and He remembered His covenant with Abraham, with Isaac and with Jacob.  So God looked at the Israelites and was concerned about them."

God is also concerned when you are going through hard times of suffering.  He wants you to come to Him during those times for help.  Sadly, many people walk away from God during times of suffering.  Exodus 3:7 says,  "The Lord said, I have indeed seen the misery of my people in Egypt.  I have heard them crying out because of their slave drivers, and I am concerned about their sufferings."  God is concerned about the things we are concerned with.   Today, let our prayer to God be, "Father, keep my concerns in line with Your concerns."

Bobby Johnson
Director, Interlocking Ministries

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