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Friday, October 5, 2012

Preach The Word

Scripture Reading:  2 Timothy 4:1-5

Focus Verse:  2 Timothy 4:2  Preach the word!  Be ready in season and out of season.

God reminded me on this last trip to Kenya that there is an urgency to sharing the gospel.  Paul is telling Timothy that he is to be ready at any time to share his faith.  Inside each of us is a heart that is ticking.  One day that heart is going to stop ticking.  It will be a complete surprise to most of us when it stops.  For each of us God has our days on this earth numbered.  Some of us may have 20 years left to live.  Some of us may have 5 years left to live.

When Tausi Oguma  from Gwassi heard the gospel preached he had just 3 days left to live.  You see when Tousi accepted Christ as his Savior on Friday he had no idea that on Monday he would be drowned in Lake Victoria.  Today he is in heaven because of the decision he made on that Friday. 

Are you willing to share the good news of the Gospel with those around you?  For some of those people their heart is about to stop.  They need to hear the good news of Jesus before it is eternally too late.  God willing, I will be coming back to Kenya to tell more people like Tausi the good news before their heart stops.  Meanwhile, reach others with the Gospel.  Preach the Word.

In the picture is Tausi Oguma (with a brown shirt and glasses) as he accepted Christ in the town of Nyandiwa in Gwassi.  The Gospel reached him just in time.

"Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation." 2 Cor. 6:2b

Bobby Johnson
Interlocking Ministries

1 comment:

  1. Our prayers go toward the family of Tausi Oguma. He leaves behind a widowed mother and his wife. We are unsure if he had children, but trying to find out. It is a challenge for widows to supply their own needs.
