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Friday, October 2, 2020

Why Do We Have Adversity?

Scripture Reading: Psalm 73

Focus Verse: Psalm 73:28  “My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak, but God remains the strength of my heart, he is mine forever.”

Covid19, the novel coronavirus is still going around the earth.  Humanity is seeking their joy in the wrong places that make their happiness to be temporary.  Pain of illness, loss and disappointment have touched us.  We can't seem to trust our governments.  Life has it's many trials for the saved and the unsaved.  The Born-Again never have to face trials alone because the Holy Spirit ministers to them throughout their lives and will not leave them.  If we are blessed, we also have the Body of Christ in our neighbors and churches to come along side of us as well.

So, why do we face adversity in this life?  I don’t fully know, but the Bible has a lot to say about our troubles.  First of all Jesus promised us in John 16:33 “in this life you will have many trials and sorrows.”  I can testify that is true. Although I’ve not had as many as some people, I've had my share.   James 1:2 tells us “when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy.  For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.”  God does not really speak to us out loud today, but He can speak to us through our trials.  

When we are suffering He knows we are paying attention.  So if you are going through a storm, be on the lookout because God is up to something in your life.  He as well has promised to help you through it.  John 16:33b Jesus said “take heart, because I have overcome the world.”  Jesus suffered greatly on the cross.  It was for the purpose of saving all of mankind.  Maybe one day when we reach heaven we will look back at our time on earth and see the trials we went through, and be able to see how God was working His purpose in our lives.  

Bobby Johnson
Interlocking Ministries

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