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Saturday, March 18, 2023

Interlocking in Ministry

Bible Reading: Ephesians 4

Focus Verse: "He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love."  Ephesians 4:16

"How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity!" Psalm 133:1

Did you ever work on a puzzle?  When we gather for time as a family, sometimes we will find a puzzle and put it together.  The pieces interlock together to form a beautiful picture.  It takes focus and effort to find how they fit, but if we don't give up, we will succeed.  Or maybe your puzzle is the house that you are building and the parts of the house must fit together in the right order.

It is how things are supposed to work in the ministry of God when we are yielded to Him.  We fit together... work together with other believers as each of us is shaped differently and fills different roles. We interlock together, bound by Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit and we function as the body of Christ.  It is a beautiful picture of the community we are supposed to have as we love one another, respecting the different roles that God has given us. 

We need to work together with others who are in line with correct theology, but that doesn't mean there is never a struggle.  Do you ever struggle with other ministries or other believers in the same ministry?  As different people, we are sure to struggle to understand one another, but if we approach it in love instead of pride, God will help us to find our roles.  If we push our pride out, we can respect one another and find order in ministry under the headship of Christ.  Together we are stronger and more effective as we walk in unity.  We can use our differences to strengthen and sharpen each other as we serve together in love.  As we strive toward the goal of loving God, loving others and making disciples, we realize how much we need each other to form the beautiful picture that God is making of our lives.  As we make disciples, God is adding to the beautiful picture, one soul at a time.

As we bring each new soul into the church, God is forming His beautiful family.  Each part helps the other to grow.

Page Johnson
Interlocking Ministries

Additional scripture on the Body of Christ 1 Corinthians 12

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