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Friday, June 21, 2024

Wisdom in Numbers

 I want to share a devotion from Wisdom Hunters written by Tripp Prince. 

Wisdom in Numbers

Bible Reading Acts 15

Focus Verse: "Now the apostles and elders came together to consider this matter."
Acts 15:6

In the book of Acts, we encounter one of the most significant controversies within the early Church: how should Gentiles be received as members of the new people of God? More specifically, was it necessary for them to be circumcised and keep the law of Moses in order to be full members, as was the requirement of their Jewish brethren? As the defining reality of what it meant to be Jewish, discarding these requirements was no small thing! Yet God in Christ had radically redefined what it meant to be a member of the family of God, and the early leaders of the Church realized this and knew it to be true, thus deciding that the way forward was to “not trouble those from among the Gentiles who are turning to God,” limiting their observance of the law to freedom from idolatry, sexual immorality, and from food that had been strangled or that still contained blood (see verses 19 and 20). 

While this is the clear teaching of these early Christian leaders and the clear teaching offered to the Gentiles, what’s of interest to me today is the way in which they arrived at this position. Note the words in verse 6: “Now the apostles and elders came together to consider this matter.” Wisdom was not isolated to a single leader, but was found in the patient process of listening to the counsel of many voices, and then prayerfully seeking to discern the Spirit’s leading within them. This was true of the Jerusalem Council, and it is true for you and me today. 

Be wary of isolated wisdom. Look suspiciously upon counsel that proclaims its truth from an island of one person. And be especially cautious when you are the one offering this alienated advice! When you find yourself at a crossroads and needing clear direction, be suspicious of your motives, especially when they lack the insight and collective wisdom of multiple counselors. Instead, seek out other trusted men and women in your life and invite them into the decision-making process. As we see in Acts, the Spirit’s leading is most often found when the people of God prayerfully come together. Embrace this wisdom today in your own life, and be quick to discover the wisdom that’s found in numbers!


 Wisdom Hunters Devotions:

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