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Friday, August 9, 2024

Sadness Turned To Joy

 Sadness Turned To Joy

Scripture Reading:  John 16:16-33

Focus Verse: John 16:33 “I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me.  Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows.  But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

Jesus has just told His disciples about the suffering He will go through, but at the end of that suffering there will be great joy when they see what was accomplished.  We know that the whole world has an opportunity to be saved for all eternity because of Jesus' suffering.

Jesus tells us that we also will have suffering and problems on this earth.  We may go through sickness in our bodies.  Our houses have problems and need repair.  We may have broken relationships with our neighbor.  The list is long of the problems that we experience in this world.  Even though this world was created perfect with no problems, sin entered the world in the Garden of Eden then our problems started.  So we have nobody to blame but ourselves.   
It seems like every year that goes by the world is in a bigger mess than the year before.  This makes me look forward to heaven even more.  This world with all its problems is not my home.  This world will always disappoint us.  And there is no political government that can fix all these problems.  Only God can fix this world and He will do it one day.  But while we are still here God has a purpose for us to do, and that is to tell others to get ready for Jesus' return.  Jesus is coming back.  He made that promise to His disciples over two thousand years ago.  
Let us live in such a way that we will be ready for His return at any moment.  If you are not ready for His return, put your faith and trust in Him today.  We have God’s promise that our sadness will be turned to joy.

Bobby Johnson
Interlocking Ministries

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