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Friday, August 23, 2024

True Riches

 True Riches

Scripture Reading: 1 Timothy 6:6-21

Focus Verse: 1 Timothy 6:6  “True godliness with contentment is itself great wealth.”

The books of the Bible, first and second Timothy, were written by Paul to Timothy.   Paul has some good advice about being wealthy.  Possessions can have a strong pull in someone's life.  It doesn’t really matter whether you are rich or poor.  What matters is the condition of your heart.  A desire to make money should not be put above our desire to know God.  Paul says if you love money it can bring all kinds of evil into your life.  We are to put our trust in God and not in our money.  Paul said God will give us all that we need.  We should also enjoy what God has given us.  Our focus verse says if we are content with what God has given us, that in itself is great wealth.  Someone that has a lot of money has a big responsibility to manage that money well. And Paul says that person should be generous and share with those in need.  You see some day you’re going to die, then what will happen to your money.

I was reading in the news just this week that one of the richest men in the UK was sailing on his big beautiful boat in Italy with his family and friends.  The boat was at anchor for the night and everyone was asleep when a storm suddenly arose and capsized the boat and sank.  This man lost his life along with five of his family and friends.  I’m sure this man had no idea he would lose his life this week.  It really didn’t matter how much money he had because he left it all behind.  I hope that he knew Jesus because that’s what matters most now.

Jesus talked a lot about money while He was on this earth because He knew how money can take control of our lives.  Money can be a wonderful servant because it can do a lot of good when used wisely and with humility.  However, money can also be a terrible master.  When money controls us, many bad things can happen.  Let’s remember how to experience the true riches of being content with all that God has given us to enjoy.  

Bobby Johnson
Interlocking Ministries

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