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Friday, June 29, 2012

What is Evil?

Scripture reading: James 4:13-17

Focus verse: "that nation that turns to evil and refuses to obey me, I will not bless it as I said I would." Jeremiah 18:10

Mostly, when people think of evil, they think of things like murder, theft and lying. However, in Jeremiah 18:10 God is speaking to the people and says that a nation (or person) does evil by not obeying His voice. Simply put, disobedience is evil in God's sight. This means disobedience to His word, disobedience of parents, disobedience of authorities over us.

Then, James, the brother of Jesus, tells us that if we know the right thing to do, but don't do it, that is also sin. Some examples of knowing the right thing to do but not doing it could be taking care of someone in need, or studying God's Word every day, or praying about something we promised to pray about.

As you go through the day, see things that happen as opportunities to obey God's voice. In order to obey His voice, we have to know His word and what it says.

Spend time studying God's word and find ways to obey what He says. Then, when you know the right thing to do, do it! And in doing so, you will please God.

by Amy Warr
(friend of Mfangano and supporter of Interlocking Ministries)

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